When traveling, the two most important things to figure out are your flights and where you are staying. Booking flights may be difficult but there are only a few choices and a few prices. However, booking a place to stay is a little more difficult. With so many options including, hotels vs hostels vs airbnb, the location, and how much it costs, there’s a lot to think about before booking.

Although hotels and airbnbs are the usual option, hostels (especially in Spain) have become one of the best places to stay. Solo travelers and small groups have recently been staying at hostels instead of hotels for many reasons. So, what is the difference between a hotel and a hostel? Most hotels and hostels are very similar in the fact that they provide a place to sleep for the night when you’re not in your own house. They both usually have wifi, a place to do laundry, and a provide a place to eat. However, the main difference between the two are hotels provide a room for 1-4 people who all know each other where hostels provide options of staying in your own room or to share a dorm-like room with people you may not know. With this, meeting new people from all over the world and creating unforgetable experiences are more likely to happen. Amistat Beach Hostel in Barcelona makes it especially easy to create the best and most memerable experiences. 

Living with people you may not know might sound intimidating. However, there are many benefits to staying in a hostel. Here are some reasons that hostels are the best place to stay in when traveling:


With many people staying in one room, safety is a concern for many guests. If you’re worried about where to put your belongings, we have you covered. Hostels always have lockers with a lock for their guests to put their belongings in. Have a larger rolling suitcase? There is space under the beds.

Cost and location:

Depending on where the hotel is located, the price of staying there can come out to being more expensive than needed. When traveling, most people don’t spend much time in their hotel. They are out exploring, going to meetings, or meeting new people. So, why spend more than you need to? Save money and spend it on amazing experiences, souvenirs, or my favorite, food and stay in a hostel. Hostels are also in amazing locations.

Looking a place to stay in Barcelona or Ibiza? Check out Amistat Hostels


Community and Activities:

When traveling, most people remember the experiences and how they felt more than what they bought. Hostels help out with these experiences by allowing you to meet new people and make lasting friendships. With communal rooms and spaces including a communal kitchen and game room, it is hard not to talk to other guests. With free pasta and storage space for your food, cooking a meal with other guests makes for an easy conversation. Not a good at taking the first steps to making new friends? At Amistat Hostels, activities are put together making it easier to have a common ground and connect with other guests. Check out our Cool Experiences page to see what activities you can sign up for! Take a free tour around the city or sign up for Amistat Beach Hostel Barcelona Night Out! Looking to go to the beach? Sign up for stand up paddleboard or a sunset picnic. Not good at cooking but want to hang out in the kitchen with your new friends? Join us for a communal paella dinner. 

Keep in contact with your new friends through Whatsapp and continue to travel by going to their home country!

Hostel • By Jocelyn Spitz • March 23, 2019