Preparing your trip to Barcelona? Packing could be a nightmare sometimes. Make a list is not always enough to get rid of things that probably you will not use and occupy space in your suicase or backpack.  It is a really science! Would you like to be an expert?

Rolling shirts is not the only solution. Follow these 15 packing tips and learn how to save space in your suitcase.

Do your laundry on the road

Wash your clothes in the sink in your hotel room, you can buy a travel-sizze bottle or just go to a laundry store.

Make a list

Create a list with the staff that you really need, So many travellers opt to overpack in lieu of forgetting something essential.

Lose the shoes

Shoes are big, heavy and mostly inflexible, so they’re not exactly ideal for packing.  The rule is that travellers should pack no more than two pairs of shoes: one casual pair for walking and everyday use, and one pair for formal occasions. Don’t forget for beach destination pick up a pair of flip flops.

Wear your bulky items, don’t pack them

Jeans, hats,  coats, hiking boots and puffy parkas should never be stuffed in a suitcase when they can be worn on the plane.

Roll your clothes

Folding creates creases, and it’s not the best way to maximize suitcase space. Starting from the bottom up, roll your shirts, trousers and dresses into tightly packed tubes, which you can neatly stack in your suitcase.

Be prepared for souvenirs

If you are a shopping addict, remember to leave some space!

Photocopy relevant pages of

a guide

Don’t take the whole book with you, just take the relevant information and do photocopies.

This are just a few tips!!! We challenge you to squeeze your brain and add some more tips to our post!

Remember that Amistat Beach Hostel is your best hostel choice in Barcelona ;D

