Bored of your routine? every day same faces, same places…etc. Thinking in some adventure? adrenaline? You need a break? do not hesitate and take your old backpack and start to prepare yourself for one of the best experiences in life: Travel around the world.

You will be thinking what I should do?

First of all, decide if you want one around-the-world ticket or you will rather buy tickets during your journey.

As a recommendation “Around-the-World” ticket. will be much cheaper than booking a dozen one-way flights. The two largest airline alliances are Star Alliance and Oneworld. The Star Alliance is the bigger alliance.

Star Alliance is based on how many miles you travel and they offer passes in 29,000, 34,000 or 39,000 mile’s increments. To put that in context, 29,000 miles (47,000 km) you will roughly get 3 continents (outside of the United States), 34,000 miles (55,000 km) will get you 4 continents and 39,000 will get you 5 or 6 continents. The more miles you do, the more destinations you can see and vice versa. Each pass allows up to 15 stopovers. Star Alliance also requires passengers to start and end in the same country, though not necessarily in the same city.

Oneworld offers two different pass options: one that is segment based and the other that is mileage based. Global Explorer is Oneworld’s more conventional, mileage-based ticket. There are three levels – 26,000, 29,000 and 39,000 miles in economy class.

Once you are in the country, the cheapest way to travel inland is:

  • For train travel: In the US, you can travel by rail with Amtrak . For non-EU citizens in Europe, look into Eurail passes; for EU citizens, Interrail passes are a good bet. In Asia, the Trans-Siberian railway goes from Moscow to Beijing. There you can connect to Shanghai and onto Tokyo.
    • A Global Eurail pass is around $500 (€390) and will get you to 24 different countries.
    • Moscow to Beijing on the Siberian railway costs $2100 (€1635) for the no-frills, 16-day trip.
  • For bus/coach: Greyhound is the line to travel in the US. The European equivalent is Eurolines — where you can travel between 50 or so cities. And Megabus actually operates on both sides of the lake, only going intercity, though.
  • For ship/ferry travel: Cruises can be a frugal option of you think about the money you’re saving on accommodation and food.

Also visit the websites of each country to know if you need a VISA or no.

The cheapest accommodation is hostels! nice hostels as Amistat Beach Hostel here in Barcelona, where you can meet other travelers, cook your own food and have fun.

Don’t forget to pack lightly and set a budget. Also find an insurance that covers hospitalization.

No excuses, take the backpack and enjoy life! don’t forget to visit the greatest city in Europe, Barcelona. Warm weather, thousands of attractions, art, sun, beach…what else?  You can stay in our hostel in Barcelona, we are just two minutes from the beach located in a very local neighborhood!